My specialty is working with women to plan a photoshoot that gives them diversified content to authentically represent their brand. I start by giving my clients a brand brainstorm so I can understand their current business and future brand goals. Then we meet so we can create a detailed plan for their photoshoot that's full of varied content.
Here are some of my personal branding photoshoot tips!
Choose colors that mirror or complement your brand identity.
Not everything needs to match, but you should choose outfits that complement your brand aesthetic. You should also think about the furniture, setting, plants, art etc... Creating a strong aesthetic with your outfits and setting gives your website and social media a strong, consistent image that further reiterates your brand to your audience.
Plan to use any props that are significant to your brand and business.
What can you incorporate into your photos that SHOWS your audience what you do without having to use words? In addition to demonstrating elements of your business, what do you DO in your business that you want to show your audience? Do you spend time on your computer creating graphics for your clients? Do you journal daily to find new inspiration? Do you drink a particular smoothie every day that's a part of your health coaching? Think of ALL those aspects of your business day to determine what you can include in your photos that show your audience multiple aspects of your business.
Practice different poses you want to use in your photo shoot.
Having your pictures taken, especially the first couple of times can be intimidating and unnatural! Find images of things you like and practice different poses. Stand in front of the mirror and get real comfortable with yourself! Your photographer will be directing you and making tweaks to poses to get the best picture, but have ideas of what you want, too!
Be confident: Own your gifts!
You are doing what you're doing because it's a soul-deep necessity. You were MADE to do whatever you're doing. Know your strengths, own them and be confident in your uniqueness. Our diversity and individualism is a gift. Be grateful and confident in those things that make you, YOU!